CDFA undertook a comprehensive assessment culminating in the NH Small Business Ecosystem Assessment report. The report sheds new light on the challenges and opportunities facing NH small businesses, particularly those from underserved and historically marginalized communities.
Read MoreStarting a small business is an exciting venture that, when approached strategically, can not only be personally fulfilling but also contribute positively to your community. In this post, we'll explore how to work with your community to launch a small business in New Hampshire.
Read MoreCulturally competent outreach is a real buzz word today. It refers to the ability of organizations and individuals to effectively interact, communicate, and engage with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Read MoreIn New Hampshire today DEI matters because it builds towards an environment where people from diverse backgrounds can thrive, collaborate, and contribute their unique strengths
Read MoreCulturally competent outreach is important because it acknowledges the diversity of our communities and recognizes that one size does not fit all when it comes to engagement and relationship-building.
Read MoreStarting a new business in any community requires careful planning, dedication, and understanding of the local market. Here are some ideas to help in New Hampshire:
Read MoreThe NH Community Navigator Program (CNP) is one way that the New Hampshire Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has built momentum to reach out to diverse businesses and entrepreneurs in the Granite State.
Read MoreThe New Hampshire Women's Business Center operates in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration. We offer consultations, workshops and networking opportunities to help you reach your entrepreneurial goals.
Meet Kile Adumene, the woman who informed and guided New Hampshire’s small business assistance scene toward good, authentic, and effective community outreach.
Read MoreNew Hampshire’s Community Navigator Program is designed to reduce barriers that underrepresented and underserved entrepreneurs often face when trying to recover, grow, or start their businesses.
Read MoreState program for small businesses assisted 255 entrepreneurs and helped to raise almost $2.5M in loans during its first year of activity
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